Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Simply Frugal - A Change Of Heart

There is something attractive to me about living a simple life. I have always thought of our family as a more simple group but lately, in the last few years, I have realized that we are far, far from being the frugal, simple people we long to be. Even now, after discussing it at length with each other my husband and I still find ourselves selfishly spending our money away on things that bring only temporary satisfaction. The things we have now no longer hold as much joy. There is always something more to get, something better, something newer.

It isn't just a matter of scaling down our budget to help us stop making frivolous purchases. It is about changing our hearts, training ourselves to be content and happy with the things we have, making choices about what is most important and leaving the rest behind.

I don't like owing people money. I don't enjoy credit card debt. Even having a lien on our car makes me cringe. These things are unavoidable, so I once thought. However, I am learning lately that we can, in fact, be rid of debt - even pay off our brand new van - and owe no man anything.

This is the goal. This blog is my journal through it. I will post deals I find, our budget cutting ideas, our mistakes and our setbacks. Feel free to join in the ride and find yourself longing for a more simple, frugal lifestyle, too. Ideas are always welcome!