I heard that even though CVS was releasing their circulars on Fridays now their deal week was still Sunday through Saturday. It appears that is not exactly true. After further reading I have discovered that CVS is doing a 6 to 8 week trial with new sales dates. Not all areas are running Friday through Thursday, only the areas in the test market, but everybody is still getting their circulars on Friday now - either way.
The new circulars look different in most areas this next week. A lot of people are ticked off but I really don't care as long as the deals are still good. How can I complain about a different looking flier when I am still getting so many goodies for free?
This next tidbit might bite a bit. I read that CVS will eventually, if yours hasn't already, be taking their circulars off their racks and the only way to get one will be to find one in your Friday paper or beg your store manager for one of the few he/she has. I can only imagine this going over very bad for CVS and not lasting long but I guess time will tell. Some CVS stores are already doing this. I may be talking to my CVS people later when I run in to pick up this weeks ad. I have a lot of questions.
Behold! I do bring you some good news. If you call CVS customer service at 888-607-4287 or email them you can request to have the CVS flier delivered to your home by mail - and you may get it a couple days earlier this way, too.
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