Sunday, January 18, 2009

Walgreens this week - 1/18/09

This week Walgreens has a few good deals. Here is what I found.
  • Mauna Loa Chocolate Covered Macadamia Nuts are 2 for $4.
    $3 off 2 in Walgreens EasySaver catalog (located just inside most Walgreens)
    $.50 each
  • Dixie Napkins are $1.99
    $1 off 1 from 1/18 Sunday paper (Red Plum)
    $.99 each
  • Dawn dish and hand soap is $.99
    $.50 off 1 in the 12/28 Sunday paper (P&G)
    $.49 each

Sweet Register Reward Deal (thanks Money Saving Mom)

Buy 8 Unilever products get a $10 Register Reward back (or buy 4 get $2 RR, buy 6 get $4 RR back)
Both Ragu and Skippy peanut butter are $1.99 each and qualify for this deal. Use a combo of $1 off 2 Skippy from the 11/16 Sunday paper (Red Plum) and $1 off 3 Ragu from the 1/11 Sunday paper (Red Plum) and get these for as little as $.24 each after coupons and the $10 Register Reward.

Find another good deal to add? Please leave a comment and let us know!