Thursday, June 4, 2009

Your Daily Savings Tip - 6/4/2009

Your Daily Savings Tip for today is brought to you by Mama Reg at Mommyhood Adventures. If you have a quick savings tip, or a tip including a tutorial, we'd be happy to consider posting your tip on The Money Herder - giving you complete credit, of course. Please email me with any tip you would like me to include!
Today's Daily Savings Tip is:

"I like to add rice or beans or potatoes to the meat portion of dinner to make meat stretch. I have added rice to shredded beef for tacos and made an entire meal out of half of what I normally would. It is a great idea to eliminate meat once a week."

Remember that not all of our daily savings tips will work for every family. We don't even use every tip we give ourselves. However, these tips can be terrific money savers when you can make them work in your situation. Just give them a try, one at a time. Keep doing what works and discard the not-so-doable ideas. Also, keep in mind that what might seem like minimal savings and not worth the work does add up when added in with all the other little money saving ideas out there.


Mommy Reg said...

Ah, I am flattered you featured me.
I am just getting to read blogs for the first time in a while. So, I am a bit late in seeing it.
Thanks for your tips, I love reading them.